

  Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

 It gives me joy to introduce to you our new Leadership and Discipleship school of Ministry which is geared towards foundational work in the lives of Christian Ministers and workers like what Paul did in the house of one Tyranus that made the Disciples both to know and get rooted in the truth which birthed revival that made the true gospel spread all over Asia. Acts 19:9-11, John 8:32.

 The Lord laid on my heart that it is by the knowledge of the revealed truth that people can be set free from bondage of religion, error, denominational boundary and tradition of men in the Church that has made the word of God of no effect in the lives of many Christians.

Also, it is only by the pure knowledge of the Son through the Spirit shedding light on the word of truth that personal life revival can birth in the individual Christian which will affect the body. It is amazing what effect the application of simple biblical truths can have in our lives.

 Therefore, our focus in the School of Ministry is to organize Seminars to teach Leaders and Disciples to focus on the King and His kingdom. The aim is to build people with kingdom mindset who will focus on Christ not just their denomination. This is a nondenominational work.


Pray for:

1-      Utterance to declare the mysteries of the kingdom.

2-      The word of God to take root and bear fruit in the heart of participants and to affect other Believers.

3-      Safe travels

4-      Provision and support for the work.

5-      Strength and health for God’s servant.

 Thanks for being there for His kingdom work. God bless you richly.

 Yours in His vineyard work.

 Dr Wole Gbogboade.

4 Responses to About

  1. boladale stephen abosede says:

    Like to be more informed about this school of ministry

  2. boladale stephen abosede says:

    When and how do train for mentorship n discipleship

  3. Chandan says:

    This website has blessed me so much. It gave me hope after reading David in Ziklag experience. God bless you richly!! Great insight into the life of David

    • Thanks so much Chandan. I thank God that you found our teachings a blessing and thank you for sharing it. God bless your family and ministry richly. We covet your prayers.
      Please, feel free to ask questions or discuss any issues for further explanation.

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